
Registering with the surgery

Find out how to join the surgery.


View what clinics we offer.

Getting test results

Find out how to view or ask questions about your test results.

Healthy living

NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.

Getting a fit (sick) note

Request a sick note if you've been sick for more than 7 days.

Submit readings

Submit a reading to your GP if you have been requested to do so.

Accessing your health record

Find out about the types of records and how to access them

Changing your contact details

Update your name, address, phone numbers or email address.


Grampian Vaccination and Immunisation Programme Update January 2025

The new Grampian Travel Health Service delivered by the health board will go live on 3rd February 2025. Like the previous offer it combines a nationally provided website as the primary source of information for citizens backed up by signposting and an assessment and vaccination offer for those requiring specialist advice or the 4 vaccinations provided free by the NHS for travel purposes – Hepatitis A, cholera, typhoid and diphtheria, tetanus and polio. As the risks of diseases like measles and rubella are higher outside the UK, travellers are asked whether their routine vaccinations are up to date prior to travelling. Information about how to use the new service is available on the Travel Vaccination | Vax Grampian website now. 

Accessing someone else’s information (3rd party access)

As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having 3rd party access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.


Refer yourself to a health service such as talking therapies without having to see a GP first.

Services near me

Find a NHS service near you.