About the surgery


Read all the latest news and information from the surgery.

Opening times

View our opening times and information about what to do when we are closed.

Surgery staff

Meet the practice team.

Surgery policies and procedures

View our policies and procedures.

Complaints and feedback

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Practice Information Leaflet

Cults Medical Group Partners

Dr John McKeown

MBChB, MRCGP, BSc Med Sci (Hons)

Dr Moira Morton


Dr Naomi Smith


Dr Adam Booth


Dr Georgina Rowan



Information for Patients

Cults Medical Group

South Avenue



AB15 9LQ

Telephone: 0345 337 1140

Repeat Prescriptions: 01224 860160

Website: www.cultsmedicalgroup.co.uk

Office Hours Tel:  0345 337 1140

Reception staff are available to answer calls between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm weekdays. (1.15pm-2pm for urgent matters only)

Staff Training

Together with other surgeries in the Aberdeen area, the practice participates in Protected Learning Time for doctors, nurses and staff.  The practice is closed up to 4 times a year on an afternoon from 1.30pm.

Surgery Hours

Doctors provide a range of surgeries throughout the week and our reception team can advise which are the most suitable for you.  Surgery times throughout the week are 8.30 am to 5.20 pm. We offer extended hours, early morning and evening appointments are available.

Appointments Tel:  0345 337 1140

We run a 10 minute appointments system.  Each appointment is for one patient and we expect patients to attend on time and give us reasonable notice of at least one hour if they are unable to attend.

Practice Nurses

Corrine Wilkie, Emily Black and Simone Green are our Practice Nurses, and Angela Sangster is our phlebotomist/healthcare assistant.  Our Practice Nurses are available Monday to Friday.  If you require an appointment with the Practice Nurse, please book this through Reception.

Access to Appointments

Appointments for a specific doctor will normally be available within 4 weeks.  Non-urgent appointments with any doctor will normally be available within 1 week. Patients with urgent problems will be seen the same day.

Please call at 8am to request an urgent appointment.  Consultations are available to all registered patients.

Home Visits/Telephone Consultations

If you are a housebound patient and are unable to attend the surgery or if you need advice from a doctor, please telephone reception early in the day.  You may be asked to leave your telephone number for the doctor to call you back and decide if a house call is necessary.

Nights and Weekends – NHS24

A doctor is always on call to deal with emergencies.  If you require urgent medical attention out-of-hours ring 111 for NHS24. The service operates from 6.00 pm to 8.00 am Monday to Friday and 6.00 pm on Friday to 8.00 am Monday.  If you phone the surgery out-of-hours, you will be given the number to call for NHS24 or an emergency mobile phone number.  Access to NHS24 can also be obtained from their website at: http://www.nhs24.co.uk

 Repeat Prescriptions

You may request a prescription by telephoning our 24/7 Prescription Line – 01224 860160 or by visiting our website and completing a request from.  You can also hand in, or post a repeat prescription request to reception.  The form for this is printed alongside any repeat prescription you receive from your GP.  An up to date form is issued each time.  Please allow two clear working days for collection.

Please do not wait until your medicines have run out before requesting a repeat prescription.  Every prescription is checked by a GP at regular intervals.

You can also register for online ordering of repeat prescriptions, please ask at Reception.

The Doctors

McKeown, Morton, Smith, Booth and Rowan are GPs working together in partnership. Dr McCance, Dr Gibson, Dr Ferri and Dr Counter are doctors that work at the practice. We are not a limited partnership.  Any patient can request to see any doctor as they wish.  However, during holidays and sick leave this is not always possible and we may employ a temporary locum doctor to help provide care.


Practice Manager          Mrs Yvonne Spalding

Office Manager             Miss Sally Macdougall

District Nurses

Tel: 01224 860183 The District Nurses provide a community nursing service.  They will provide skilled nursing care where necessary, as well as giving advice on health care matters to all age groups Our midwifery services are provided by a named midwife from the maternity hospital.

Health Visitors

Tel: 01224 739965 (based in Peterculter Health Centre) The Health Visitors are experienced in encouraging good health in all age groups.  They are involved in child and health promotion clinics.  They visit at home and work in partnership with GPs and other health professionals.

Comments or Complaints

If you have any comments or complaints about the services provided by the practice, please write to our Practice  Manager, Mrs Yvonne Spalding.

Rights and Responsibilities

You have the right to see the doctor of your choice and we encourage you to see your usual doctor for continuity of care.

You have a statutory right to know what information is held about you by any public authority and a right to see that information.  Please contact our Manager who will guide you through the process of obtaining access to your records held by us.

 Full details regarding your rights under the Data Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act are contained in our separate leaflets on these topics.  These are available on request from our Reception.

You have the right to confidentiality.  From time to time, other health care professionals may need confidential access to your records for the purposes of providing care for you, education, training, audit and research.  Please contact our Manager if you have any concerns here and we will fully discuss the position with you.  These other health care professionals also have a duty of confidentiality regarding your records.  If you object to this process we will note your objection and this will not affect the care given to you by ourselves.  Each patient has a right to confidentiality and this will mean that information about some family members may not be given without the consent of the member concerned.

We are a training practice for both medical and nursing students.  You may be asked to have a student present during your consultation   Remember you have the right to say no I you wish to.  This will not affect the care which you will be given.

 New Patient Registration

We have an open patient list and new patient registration forms are available on our website and from our Reception. There is no restriction to patients joining the practice as long as they live within the practice boundaries. A map showing the practice boundary is available to see on request.. We do not discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation or appearance.

Disabled Access

The consulting rooms for the doctors and nurses are on the ground floor with good access for the disabled. We also have toilet facilities for the disabled.

Violent and/or Abusive Patients

Where a patient is violent and/or abusive to the doctor, other health care professionals or practice staff, we shall take the necessary steps to inform the police and have the patient immediately removed from our list.

Full details of primary medical services in the Grampian area can be obtained from:  NHS Grampian, Summerfield House, 2 Eday Road, Aberdeen  AB15 6RE.  Tel: 01224 558565